Record_Facts_Cache_Size (Additional Parameter)

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The Record Facts Cache Size additional parameter is used to specify the maximum number of records stored in cache. This is a number parameter and the default should be 100.


This cache is used for the local evaluation of SQL queries and may optimize performance by saving round trips to the database. The cache is useful when different SQL statements (constraint- or batch SQL) update the same record repeatedly. When this does not happen very often a high number (500+) of entries in the cache affects performance negatively. a high number of entries in the cache is easily achieved because deleting a record from the table does not delete it from the cache but marks it as deleted.


If performance is an issue with your application, experiment with this cache size.


Changes made to this parameter are only effective if the Record Facts Cache parameter is set to In Memory or On File.



Maintaining the cache on file is an old setting that is nowadays much slower than in memory cache or no cache, we intend to remove this option in a future version. Records in temporary tables (e.g. used within USoft Batch internally) are not cached in any way.