File Locations

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To be able to run batch jobs in a production environment, the flat files for the application with extensions .job and .con have to be stored in the <USoft Installation>\APP directory, or in the working directory, that is, the directory from which the batch job is called.

By default, log files that USoft Batch Runner generates are stored in the central logging directory that is specified during the installation of the USoft product set. To store log files in another location, you can:

· Specify the Logfile attribute for a Batch Runner item.


· Add a logfile parameter to the Batch Runner command line, for example:

-logfile C:\logs\handout.log

By default, export files, import files, and import task status files (.suc/.mes/.err files) are stored in the working directory. To store these files in another location, do one of the following:

· Specify the Directory attribute for a Batch Runner item in USoft Binder.


· Add a data_directory parameter to the Batch Runner command line, for example:

-exe "job(EXP_PERSON,INS_AFTER=01-APR-2001,data_directory=C:\Data)"

For export files, in USoft Definer you may want to set a hard-coded Filename attribute within the Export Task definition.

For import files, in USoft Definer you may want to set a hard-coded File Name attribute within the Import Task Set definition.


However, you are advised to separate the export or import file name from the directory name. For example, for an import task:

· Specify File Name: ToBeImported.txt


· Specify Directory attribute or data_directory parameter: C:\Batch 7


The data_directory parameter takes precedence over hard-coded paths or %% variables in Import or Export Task definitions. Partial paths (subfolder/filename) are concatenated with data_directory. File location is determined in the following order of precedence:

· data_directory (+partial path)


· Hard-coded path with system variables substituted


· No path: current (working) directory

The path is always displayed in error messages.