Import Task Status Files

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During a batch import process, each imported file can produce three status files. These files have the .SUC, .ERR, and .MES extension, and have the same name and location as the import file.


This file contains all records of the import file that were successfully imported:

· For non-driving sets this means that the file contains all the records that were imported successfully into their temporary table.


· For driving sets this means that the file contains all the records that were imported successfully into their temporary table in memory, and that the import SQL statements executed for this record were successfully processed and committed.


This file contains all records that were rejected:

· For non-driving sets this means that the file contains all the records that were rejected when they were imported into their temporary table. Rejection may occur, for example, when the IO format of a record is incorrect.


· For driving sets this means that the file contains all the records that were rejected when they were imported into their temporary table in memory, or that the import SQL statements executed for this record could not be committed.


This file contains all the failure messages that are produced when records are rejected during an import.

The use of error, success, and message files is optional, and can be set or disabled by means of the create_err, create_suc, create_mes parameters, which are specified in the command line. Each parameter can be set to true or false.

You cannot import these files within the same import process as for which they are generated.