Default Date Format |
The DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT Rules Engine parameter specifies the default IO format to be used when converting a date into a string. The default value is DD-MON-YY. This Rules Engine parameter applies to two different situations:
For example, if the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT parameter is: DD MM YYYY, the SQL statement: SELECT TO_CHAR(TRANSACTION_DATE()) results in: 15 11 2000. The SQL statement: SELECT TO_DATE('15-NOV-00') results in an error message, because the date string does not correspond with the default date format. The SQL statement SELECT TO_DATE('15 11 2000') results in 2000/111500000.
For example, if the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT parameter is: DD MM YYYY, the SQL statement: SELECT TO_CHAR(TRANSACTION_DATE(),'DD MON YY') results in: 15 NOV 00. The SQL statement: SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('15-NOV-00','DD-MON-YY')) results in: 15 11 2000. NOTE 1: Selecting a date in the SQL Command dialog results in a date represented in the conceptual date format YYYY/MMDDHH24MISS. This is the USoft representation of a date. For example, SELECT SYSDATE results in 2000/0302133505. NOTE 2: The default date format setting only applies for statements that are evaluated locally. If you want to select the current date you can use:
Tips to have a statement evaluated on the RDBMS are: