Developing an Application in Your Own Language

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The procedure for developing an application in another language than English is straightforward:

· Every time you have to enter prompts, menu lines, constraint messages, comments, window titles etc. in the Definer, simply enter them in your own language.


· If your application borrows certain elements from USoft Developer (e.g. the Transaction dialog, or the Objects List), add the associated text strings to the Used Application Strings table, and provide translations for them in the Translated Application Strings (child) table.


· If required, translate the system messages into your own language.


· If your application uses methods that call user-defined system messages, use the MessageLanguage() application method to call the translated message.


· Generate flat files for your translated application strings and translated system messages. These files must have the name of the application as their file name, with UMG and SMG extensions for the application strings and system messages respectively.

By default these files will be written into the current directory. Use the Browse button if you want to save them somewhere else.

If you translate an application into more than one language, all of the translations must be merged into the same flat files. Use the Binder to specify which language you want to run the application in (for a particular project/user).