Examples Of Parameter Values

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Suppose a client application requests all scheduled tours to Brazil or Canada departing after January 23, 2006. The SOAP request message is:













For this SOAP request message:

· The GetTours method name is automatically interpreted.


· The AfterDate input parameter is automatically interpreted. The SQL Statement of the GetTours method gets 2006-01-23 as value for the first input parameter.


· The SQL Statement of the GetTours method gets as value for the second input parameter this string:





The response SOAP message of the Web service provider is:

















For this SOAP response message:

· The GetToursResponse method name is automatically generated.


· The Count output parameter is automatically generated. The SQL Statement of the GetToursResponse method selects 1 as value for the Count output parameter.


· The SQL Statement of the GetToursResponse method selects as value for the second output parameter this string:







