To specify a WHERE
In the From List or Repository tab, click on the (first) column
name used in the WHERE condition, then drag-and-drop it onto the
Condition Tree pane (you can open this pane by switching it to On
in the Show toolbar). The Define Condition dialog will appear. |
If the Condition Tree pane is
not empty, you can only drop the selected column onto one of the
existing conditions.
If the WHERE clause does not
use a column name (e.g., EXISTS clauses) you can call the Define
Condition dialog without column name by choosing from the menu bar
Conditions, Insert.
In the Define Condition dialog, compose the condition by
double-clicking in the Columns, Functions or Operators lists and/or
by manually typing in the text field. The SQL Definer automatically
produces the WHERE keyword, so do not type it yourself. |
If the WHERE clause contains
a subquery, select function SUBQUERY(<name>) from the
Functions list or type it (see step 5 for actually defining the
subquery). The subquery name is optional. It will help you
recognize it in the Query Tree but has no other function. The
condition should now look like:
[<column>] <operator>
For all but the first WHERE clause in a query, indicate whether
the new condition must be AND-ed, OR-ed, NOT AND-ed, or NOT OR-ed
to the existing clause selected in the Condition Tree pane. For
this, you are presented with a radio group (the default is
AND). |
Click OK to dismiss the Define Condition dialog. |
If you have just specified a subquery, you can now define it by
selecting the Query Tree tab and clicking on the subquery, or
double clicking on the condition with the subquery. Because most
subqueries refer to the table in the main statement (correlated
subquery), the SQL Definer places this table in the From List by
default. You can now define the subquery as you would define a main
query. |