Java Example Step 3: Selecting Records

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After a connection has been established, the various JDBC classes can be deployed to insert, update and retrieve data. This example code fragment retrieves all records from some PERSON table into a JDBC record set. This PERSON table has been defined in a USoft repository.

ResultSet set = null;



   String sql = "SELECT * FROM Person";

   stmnt = c.createStatement();

   set = stmnt.executeQuery(sql);


catch (SQLException e)


   System.err.println("Failed t execute query: " + e);


A generic way to show the contents of this PERSON table is:

//Step 3, continued

if (set != null)


   int columns = 0;



       ResultSetMetaData meta = set.getMetaData();

       columns = meta.getColumnCount();


       for (int i=1;i<=columns;i++)


           System.out.print(meta.getColumnLabel(i) + "(" + meta.getColumnTypeName(i) + ")");





   catch (SQLException e) {System.err.println(e); }




       while (


           for (int i=1;i<=columns;i++)


               Object obj = set.getObject(i);




           System.out.println();                            }


   catch (SQLException e){    System.err.println(e); }
