The USFile Open Method

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The Open method opens a file for reading, writing, or appending. An alias is assigned to the opened file. This alias can then be used in successive calls to the USFile component. The alias can also be used by the XML.Export method.

If the file is successfully opened, the alias is returned. If a failure occurs, an error message is generated.

The syntax is:



SELECT <Alias>, <Filename>, <Mode> [, <encoding> "Encoding"]


· Alias is the alias to be assigned to the successfully opened text file. The alias can be used in subsequent calls to USFile. It is not case-sensitive.


· FileName is the name of the text file to be opened. The name is allowed to contain environment variables.


· Mode is the mode in which the file should be opened. Possible values are 'READ', 'WRITE' or 'APPEND'. When opening a file with mode=WRITE, the existing contents of the file (if any) are lost.


· Encoding (Optional Parameter) specifies the encoding that is to be used. When opening a text file for reading or appending, the encoding of the existing file is used. When opening a text file for writing, by default it is opened in UTF-8 encoding. It is possible to explicitly specify an encoding here when opening the file for writing. The possible values are: ASCII and UTF16LE (UTF16 Little Endian)




SELECT 'ToursFile',



'ASCII' "Encoding"

Once you have finished writing to a file that was successfully opened, you must close the file using the USFile Close method.