Transitional Constraints Without OLD() |
Even if you do not use the OLD() function in constraint SQL, you can still set transition properties. There are two reasons why you might want to do this:
NOTE: You can also limit constraint handling to INSERTs by using the OLD() function. However, using transition property settings will result in better performance because the Rules Engine is able to discard the constraint (if it need not be evaluated) before even parsing the SQL statement. EXAMPLE: The following constraint is used to calculate the return date of scheduled tours (table SCHEDTOUR): UPDATE schedtour st SET st.return_date = ( SELECT st.start_date + t.num_days - 1 FROM tour t WHERE t.destination = st.destination AND t.tour_type = st.tour_type ) Because the OLD() function has not been used, all transition properties are NULL. You know that in the Travel Agency, the number of days in table TOUR is always set long before any start dates are entered into the system. Therefore, restrict constraint evaluation to certain manipulations on SCHEDTOUR only: Transition Table: SCHEDTOUR Alias: ST Fire On Insert: Always Fire On Delete: Never Fire On Update: UsedColumns |