Data Events

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This section lists data events for which behavior properties exist that allow actions to be defined. The actions are executed when the event occurs.

Data events can lead to validation routines. For example, the Insert Record event leads to row validation.

Whether the data event occurs in Query Mode or in Manipulation Mode depends on the event definition.


The following data events relate to fields.

Data Event

Occurs When

Lookup-Change Field

In manipulation mode, the user chooses a new or different field value from a lookup window.

Query-Change Field

In Query Mode, the user changes the field value:

· By typing a character into an empty field


· By adding, changing or deleting a character in a field value


· By choosing a new or different field value from a lookup window


· By causing an action to be executed


· By adding, changing or deleting a character in a field value.

System-Change Field

In manipulation mode, the user causes an action to be executed that adds, changes, or deletes a field value.

User-Change Field

In manipulation mode, the user leaves a field after having changed its value in a different way than by using a lookup window.

User-Change Value

In manipulation mode, the user changes the field value

· By typing a character into an empty field


· By adding, changing or deleting a character in a field value



The following data events relate to records.

Data Event

Occurs When

Create Record

· The user chooses Record, New using the menu bar, toolbar or function key.


· The user types a character or selects a value in a new record (blank line).


· The user performs an action causing the RecordCreate() action to be executed.

Delete Record

· The user chooses Record, Delete using the menu bar, toolbar or function key.


· The user performs an action causing the RecordDelete() action to be executed.

Fetch Record

A record is fetched from the database (but not necessarily displayed on the screen) as a result of the user issuing a query.

Insert Record

After entering values in a new record (blank line), the user performs any action causing the record to be stored.

Update Record

After changing one or more values in an existing record (queried from database), the user performs any action causing the record to be stored.



The following data events relate to the transaction as a whole.

Data Event

Occurs When

Commit Transaction

The transaction is committed (through explicit user action, or implicitly).

Receive Database Error

The RDBMS raises an error message in the application.

Rollback Transaction

The transaction is rolled back (through explicit user action, or implicitly).


Related Topics

Lookup-Change Field Event

Query-Change Field Event

System-Change Field Event

User-Change Field Event

User-Change Value Event

Create Record Event

Delete Record Event

Fetch Record Event

Insert Record Event

Update Record Event

Commit Transaction Event

Receive Database Error Event

Rollback Transaction Event