Decision Tree and Caller Tree

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The Decisions window contains a Decision Tree and a Caller Tree tab page. These views make it possible to assess the impact that changes in decisions may have.

Decisions can call each other. The Decision Tree tab page shows a tree view of all decisions that are called from the Yes and No actions of the current decision, the decisions called from there, and so on.

The Decision Tree finds decisions in any historic notation that is supported (ActionDecision(), action-decision(), decision(), and decision calls embedded in ac-rel() or action-other-control()). The Decision Tree does not show decision calls embedded in comment or literal text, or decision calls that are assembled at run-time (e.g. in another decision). By double-clicking a decision in the Decision Tree, you can view its definition in a pop-up window.

The Caller Tree tab page shows a tree view of all objects, from which the current decision is called. Decisions can be called from various places: Yes and No actions of other decisions, menu items, Batch action tasks, button actions, behavior properties of columns and tables, Extra Queries, Tree views, and List views etc.

The tree view shows the name of the calling object, the relation of the caller to the called (e.g. the name of the Behavior property containing the reference to this decision) and, if applicable, the window class in which context the reference is defined.

By double-clicking a tree item, you can view its definition in a pop-up window. In the case of an ESI definition (like a behavior property), this is a read-only view.