How to Add a Help Button


See Also

A Help button is a good candidate for turning into a separate class that you define once, and use often. For example, you may need a Help button on dialogs, where the What's This? help is not available.

To add a Help button:

1. In the Windows Designer, make a special "Help Button" class.
· Set its Label property to "Help".
· Set its Action property to:


· If all your Help buttons are to call the same help file, set the Help File property as well.


The help file identified by the Help File property can be either a WinHelp file (.HLP extension) or a Compiled HTML Help file (.CHM file extension).

2. Open the class to which you want to add a Help button, and then drag and drop your newly created Help button onto it from the Class Catalog.
3. Select the newly inserted button, and set its Help Topic ID property to the appropriate map number for the specific help topic you wish to access..

If you did not specify the Help File property for the "Help Button" class, then specify it now for this particular instance.