version 5.2, the default context of a method is the main container
of the class currently being designed. In the previous versions,
the default context of an action was the immediate object container
from where it was triggered. Thus, when an action is triggered from
a button within a child box, the action is applied to the child box
instead of the main info window. This is no longer the case with
method calls.
Actions are executed on the
object to which the action is attached. If the object does not
support the action, then the action is executed on its parent
object, and so on, until a parent object is found that supports the
action. For example, if a button has the query-execute() action
attached, then this action will be executed on the table object.
The same holds for the action-decision() action.
Method calls are executed
directly on the object that represents the root of the class in
which the method call is specified. This is the design-time
context, and does not change if this class is subsequently inserted
in another class.
For example, if a button on
MyWindow has the QueryExecute() method attached, this method is
executed on MyWindow, also if an instance of MyWindow is embedded
in another window.
The same holds for the
ActionDecision() method. When building decision trees, be careful
when combining the action-decision() action and the
ActionDecision() method.
If method calls are specified
on menu options, these method calls are by default executed on the
main window. By using the CurrentInfoBox(), CurrentColumn(), or
CurrentField() methods, you can route the context to the object
that currently has focus.