Permanent Window Interaction

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Windows can interact with each other. You can set up a permanent interaction between two windows by creating one or two user-defined properties of Window type, and then writing the appropriate method calls.

Assume, one window contains a button that opens another window by performing a Window.Create() call. The window that contains the button is the calling window, and the window that is opened is the created window. After creation, the calling window and the created window can interact in three ways:

1. The created window affects the calling window.
2. The calling window affects the created window.
3. Both windows affect each other; a two-way window interaction is set up.


Suppose, in the Travel Agency, the Bookings window opens the Days window. After creation:

1. Days can affect Bookings.
2. Bookings can affect Days.
3. Both windows can affect each other.

Figure 3-17, Interaction between the Bookings and the Days window.

To set up a permanent window interaction, select one of the related topics.

The relevant method calls for each of these three scenarios in the Bookings and Days example are described in Help topic: Example: Permanent Window Interaction Between Bookings and Days.

Related Topics

The Created Window Affects the Calling Window

The Calling Window Affects the Created Window

Both Windows Affect Each Other

Clearing the Reference To a Closed Window

Example: Permanent Window Interaction between Bookings and Days