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Opens an information box in which it displays the specified message, then waits for the end user to click the OK button.

To display on-screen field values in messages, refer to these values using embedded method calls and the FORMULA() method. This allows you to concatenate on-screen values with hard-coded message text.

MessageInformation(FORMULA(':1 || :2 || :3',

 'Tours to ', query.destination(), ' are still available.'))

The resulting message could be:

Tours to Africa are still available.





The text you want to display. Note the following:

· As with all non-variable method call parameters, the message itself must be enclosed in single quotes.


· If the text is to include single quotes ('), each of these must be written as two single quotes (''), and the message must be enclosed in single quotes.


· If the text is to include percent signs (%), each of these must be written as two single percent signs (%%).


· If the text is to include double quotes ("), these can be written normally as double quotes (").


If you intend to have your application translated, use MessageLanguage() instead.