Save Workspace

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Use the Save Workspace tool to get faster run-time response times.


The Workspace option enables you to view or save the opened or cached windows in your current workspace. The next time the application is started, the windows will then be restored on the screen, or cached in memory. The Save Workspace tool is a standard facility of USoft's Application interface. If you save a workspace, next time you open the application the windows within this workspace are opened at application startup time instead of at window startup time.

When to use

The only result of saving a workspace is that windows are built earlier than usual. Strictly, there is only a limited optimization effect. However, it is usually more acceptable to the user to wait at application startup time than at window startup time, because in the latter case the workflow is interrupted. Saving a workspace will lead to shorter response times.

To save windows into a workspace:

1. Open the application.
2. Open the windows you wish to include in the workspace or in the workspace cache.
3. From the menu, choose Tools, Workspace.

The Workspace Dialog appears listing the windows opened.

4. Select one of the radio buttons, depending on whether or not you want to include windows from the cache.

The tree on the left will then show all currently open windows, or all windows currently cached.

5. If desired, remove one or more windows from the tree by clicking the right mouse button, and then clicking Delete.
6. Use the At Startup dropdown list to choose whether the windows must be opened in the workspace, or must be cached (and can then be found in the initial Picklist).
7. In the Workspace dialog, click the Save button.


The setting in the At Startup field applies to ALL windows in the workspace/cache. You cannot set it for individual windows.

Save Workspace is managed by the end user: You cannot set a default workspace for all users at development time.

However, you can open specific windows at startup by setting the Actions at Startup application property. This way the default workspace is linked into generated flat files and distributed with them.