How to Generate an Application Model

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To generate an application model, the repository version must have been exported. If the repository is a Production Version, the XML repository where it takes its model from must have been exported.

To generate an application model:

1. From the Repository Manager menu, select Define, Repository Versions.

The Repository Versions window opens.

2. Perform a query that retrieves the repository version for which you want to generate the application model.


You can also open the repository version from the catalog, by double-clicking on the name.

3. Check that this repository version has been exported.

The Exported On field contains the date and time of the last export.

4. Click the Generate button to the right of the Model Generated field.


You can also right-click the repository version in the catalog, and choose Generate Export ModelÂ…

The following question appears:

Generating the Export Model overwrites the existing model, if any, including your adaptations.


5. Click Yes if you want to generate the application model.
6. After a while, acknowledge the information message

Export Model generated.


When generating an export model for a repository version, first the model to be generated is determined, depending on whether it is a production version or not.

Then, the underlying business objects and tables are deleted. This implicitly removes the model.

Next, the export model is generated, consisting of business areas, business objects, and application tables. This model is imported, and the Model Generated field is set to the current date and time.

Then, just before commit, the Export Model is regenerated and written to file. For example to:

C:\XML Repository Manager\models\TRAVEL8_PROD_model.xml

For this, the Export Model View is used.

Finally, the Export Model field is updated to the contents of the generated file.