Log Files and Temporary Files

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For security and convenience reasons all USoft log and temporary files are stored in one central location. A central location maks it easier to find log files, and is useful for security, as it is important to know where USoft needs write permission, especially in a Web environment.

The folder that you specify during setup will have two subfolders: usoft_logs and usoft_temp. Within the usoft_logs folder are several subfolders, to contain logs from USoft Batch, the Create Tables utility, the Rules Service, and so on. All temporary files generated by USoft are placed in the usoft_temp folder.

Note that for USoft Batch this setting does not affect the data_directory behavior, it only affects the location of the USoft Batch log file.

This central log location is the default for the Rules Service, but can be configured using the Rules Service configuration utility to have a different location, if required.

For improved security in a Web environment it is also possible to start the Rules Service and to publish Web applications without any logging.

The logging folder for the publication of Web applications is is also configurable. For backward compatibility reasons the default logging folder is still the publication folder.