How to Define Export Definitions

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The export definition is the actual shopping list. The data that you enter in its child tables are the objects that will actually be exported. These children can be accessed via the tab pages on the Export Definitions window.

To define export definitions:

· From the menu bar, choose TeamWork, Object Shopping, Definitions or double-click Export Definitions in the catalog.

The Export Definitions window appears.

· Provide a unique name for the export definition, and the name of the project member(s) who defined it.


· Provide a default name to be used by the export file.


· Specify the date on which the definition was last updated.


· Type any comments that you want to associate with this export definition.


· If you wish all the reserved words to be exported as part of this export, check the Export All Reserved Words box.


· On the appropriate tab page(s), use the lookups to specify which business areas, objects, constraints, domains, menu pages, etc. you want exported.
· Save your changes.