Default Web Application and Default Pages

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A default web application consists of pages. Default web pages are generated on the basis of a data model. For example, if the data model includes customers, then Web Designer automatically provides a default interactive web page that allow users to access or change customer data. The default web pages provide all the basic functionality you need to fully connect with the data:

· Users can query data that contains a specified search string, and view the query results.


· Users can add, change, and remove data within the same web page.

The application has a one-level application menu on the left-hand side of each web page with an access point for each table and logical view defined in the repository. Each menu option leads to a default info page.

Here is a screenshot of a default generated Tours info page:

Info pages have a search area and a results area. In the example, the search area allows end users to search in two of the base table columns. The results area shows all base table columns to be displayed (in this case there are six). Two columns are displayed multi-record style, and the other four single-record style.

For columns defined in the Definer, the "In Display Selection" attribute specifies whether this column is displayed in the multi-record result block, or in the single-record result block. If this attribute is not specified for any column, only the key columns (columns in the primary, secondary,... key, i.e., Key = 1,2,...) are displayed, except for the single-record result block where all other columns (i.e., Key = No) are displayed. However, this default arrangement can be influenced from USoft Definer.

In result areas, the top record is the current record by default. Users make a record the current record by clicking in any updatable field within that record.