How to Change the Input Control of a Column Control

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Initially, the input control for a column control is determined by its domain definition. You can change the input control in Web Designer, provided that the input control you choose is compatible with the RDBMS data type that is used.

To change the input control for a column control:

1. From the catalog, open the data page in which you want to change an input control.
2. In the object tree, select the column control for which you want to change the input control.

Usually, this column control appears in the ResultColumnGroup or the SearchColumnGroup.

3. From the Controls tab of the catalog, insert the required input control.

As an example, if you want to change the input control of a Family Name column control from a TextControl to a TextAreaControl, the object tree now looks like this:

4. Run the info page to test if the new input control displays the data correctly.
5. If you are content, you can now delete the old input control with name: Data.