How to Use Buttons

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From the Controls tab of the Web Designer catalog, you can drag several types of pre-defined buttons to your web pages. You can also define your own button, and re-use it in the web pages. All pre-defined buttons come with an onclick Event Listener object and a specific action. For example, the SaveButtonControl has an onclick Event Listener object and a commit action.

If you want all your web pages to have the same look, you may consider inserting the same set of buttons into each info page. Some of the buttons, however, may not be relevant in certain situations. Rather than deleting those buttons, you could set their State property to insensitive.

To insert a button in a web page:

1. From the catalog, open the page in which you want to insert a button.
2. In the object tree, select the parent object in which you want to insert the button.
3. From the Controls tab of the catalog, drag the required type of ButtonControl to the selected parent object in the object tree.

In the catalog, you can also define a new button type by clicking New from the context menu.

4. If required, set the State (Behavior) property of the new button to Insensitive.
5. Save your changes.