Before defining your own
transformation rules, you have to decide whether you want to reuse
the existing default transformation rules, or not.
You can define your own XSL transformation sheets from scratch
and not use any default transformation rules that have been defined
in the USApplet transformation sheet. |
You can add a single transformation rule on top of the default
Web Designer style. In this case, your transformation sheet must
contain this rule: |
<xsl:import href="USApplet.xsl"/>
Of course, you can also selectively copy a selection of
transformation rules from the USApplet transformation sheet, and
then change these rules in your own MainTransformations.xsl
transformation sheet. |
You can still choose whether
you want to import the USApplet transformation sheet or not.
Imported template rules have a lower priority: if two template
rules have the same pattern, the template rule in your
transformation sheet applies.