Database upgrade script

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A database upgrade script is a SQL script that is run directly against the RDBMS and that will make all the necessary database changes associated with your release. It will create, drop or alter database tables, database indexes, and (in the case of the Oracle RDBMS) database sequences in order to achieve the database state described by the new version of your application.

In the USoft community, a database upgrade script is informally called a "create-tables script".

A database upgrade script produced by Delivery Manager has the file name "application.200.upg.rdbms.sql". It is placed in the \scripts subfolder (the scripts section) of the release folder.

A database upgrade script is RDBMS-specific. Delivery Manager is able to generate Oracle and SQL Server syntax.


collapseDo you really need a database upgrade script?
collapseWhat is in the database upgrade script?
collapseCreating and releasing the database upgrade script


See Also

Upgrade scripts
