Validate publication object

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1. Checks that a publication configuration by the name of the Publication Configuration of "Publication Object" exists in "Database account" for the Application that is the Application of "Publication Object".

2. If "Publication Object" has a specified Page Set, checks that a page set by the name of the Page Set of "Publication Object" exists in "Database Account" for the Application that is the Application of "Publication Object".

3. Sets the "Publication folder" of "Publication object" to the current Publish Directory of the Publication Configuration found in Step 1 if both Step 1 and Step 2 are successful.

If the optional "XML folder" is not passed, it is set to the current release's Temporary Folder. "XML Folder" is the folder where the information extracted from "Database account" is output before it is imported into Delivery Manager. This folder is only relevant as an interim folder used during the extraction process. It is NOT cleared on completion.





Publication object

Publication object


Database account

Database account


XML folder

Folder or file



See Also

Publish publication object

Release publication