Calling Info Pages with URL Query Parameters

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Info pages built in Web Designer can be easily integrated and synchronized with any other web application. For example, if you want to add a frame in a web application to show and manipulate specific records, you can directly call the info page that displays these records.

You call the info pages that are delivered with a web publication via the standard URL protocol. This way, you can influence and execute actions in the web page. The URL can be extended with query parameters, separated by the & character:



Parameter names start with a $ character, and are case insensitive and space insensitive. The URL query parameters that you can use are:


User, Password

The $User and $Password parameters specify a user and password to access the web page:





The $StartPage parameter specifies the start page of a URL via its name:

?$StartPage=<Page Name>




The $Action parameter specifies an action that you can perform when the page is opened.

?$Action{{name=<action name}[{param1=<value>},{param2=<value>}...]}


The parameters have the same name as the property name of the corresponding action in the property inspector. If the property name contains spaces, these must be removed in the parameter name.



To use the setSearchValue action to call a stand-alone page that displays a set of records:

1.On the page you intend to call, set the TopPage property to Yes.
2.Add an onload event listener, and add the executeQuery action to this event listener.
3.When calling the stand-alone page, append the setSearchValue action to the calling url as follows:

{DataSourceName=<DataSource Name>}
{DataSourceItem=<DataSource item>}



Note the extra braces {{}} around the action.

Before the setSearchValue action will work the page must have one or more TextColumnControls with Task Mode property set to: Search. These TextColumnControls may be invisible and a search button is not needed, you can just set the data source Initial State property to Query Records.

See Also

Special Characters in URL Query Parameters