Constraint-Specific Elements in Rule Violation Messages

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The various rule violation messages can contain specific elements that you can refer to in XSL transformations. Specific attributes for all constraints include:

uslng:message@source is "constraint"

uslng:message@msg-code="no code" in the outer message element.

Specific attributes for restrictive constraints include:

uslng:violation element instead of uslng:correction element.

Specific attributes for corrective constraints include:

uslng:correction element instead of uslng:violation element.

Specific attributes for table constraints and domain constraints include:

uslng:message@constraint-type="table-constraint" in the outer message element.

uslng:message@msg-category="built-in" in the outer message element.

The inner uslng:message element (within the uslng:violation) is not wrapped a USoft system message: it has therefore no msg-category attribute.

Specific attributes for domain constraints include:


uslng:message@msg-category="built-in" in the outer message element.

The inner uslng:message element (within the uslng:violation) is wrapped in a USoft system message with code 60200.

Specific attributes for other (built-in) rule violation messages include:

uslng:message@constraint-type="relation | domain-check | column-check | subtype".




See Also

  XML Error Message Reference