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Moves the input focus to a different control.


ControlSetFocus( option )


option  := { 'cancel' | 'default' | 'next' | 'previous' | }


The optional option is a string identifying the control that must get the input focus. Alternatively, you can omit option and call the ControlSetFocus() method of the control where you want the input focus to move to.




The input focus moves to the Cancel button and the function associated with that button is called. The result is as if the user pressed the ESC key.


The input focus moves to the default button and the function associated with that button is called. The result is as if the user pressed the Enter key.


The input focus moves to the next control. The result is as if the user pressed the Tab key.


The input focus moves to the previous control. The result is as if the user pressed the Shift + Tab key combination.



ControlSetFocus( 'next' )

