Example: Permanent Window Interaction between Bookings and Days

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Suppose, in the Travel Agency, the Bookings window opens the Days window. After creation:

1.Days can affect Bookings.
2.Bookings can affect Days.
3.Both windows can affect each other.


Interaction between the Bookings and the Days window.

The relevant method calls for each of these three scenarios are summarized here:


Method Calls for Window Interaction between Bookings and Days.

To read the schematic objects on the right:

The box with the "B" in it stands for the Bookings window.

The box with the "D" in it stands for the Days window.

The curved arrows (red on the screen) stand for: Affects.

The little blank boxes stand for a user-defined property.

The other arrows stand for filling a user-defined property with a window.