Example: XML Export For Update

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Here is an example of a constraint that calls the XML export method, and updates a database column with the result of the INVOKE statement.

Whenever a person is updated, the fact that this PERSON record is updated is stored in XML format in the XMLupdate column of the PERSON_XML_LOG table.

UPDATE     person_xml_log pxl

SET        pxl.XMLupdate =


     INVOKE     xml.export


     SELECT     'Update' ExecutionType

     ,          *

     ,          OLD(*)

     FROM       person p

     WHERE      p.id = pxl.person_id



After an update of "John Smith" to "Johnny Smith", the XMLupdate column of the PERSON_XML_LOG table contains:

<Persons documentName="Persons">

    <PERSON ID="112" FAMILY_NAME="Smith" FIRST_NAME="John">

        <Update ID="112" FAMILY_NAME="Smith" FIRST_NAME="Johnny"/>





The 'Update' execution type is only useful in constraints in combination with old values.

The execution type is the same for all exported row elements.