How to Play a Test at Application Startup

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You may want to start a test automatically when you start your application, or select a test to be run. To do this, you must set the Special properties of the application in the USoft Binder.

To play a test at application startup:

1.Right-click on the application item in the USoft Binder, and choose Properties from the menu.
2.In the Special field, enter:

-exe action(top-test



where <test_name> is the name of the test to be run.
By default, the last two parameters are assumed to be Background and Manual.
If the second parameter is set to Background, the test is run in the background: in other words, the Player is not displayed, and the test cannot be paused or stopped.
If the second parameter is set to Foreground, the Player is displayed, so that the test can be paused or stopped by the user.
If the third parameter is set to Manual, USoft BenchMark waits for the user to click the Play button. If it is set to Automatic, the test is started automatically.


NOTE: Make sure that the Run USoft BenchMark property for the application item in USoft Binder is not selected. If it is, a message will be issued stating that USoft BenchMark is already running.