How to Start the Rules Service on Windows

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To start the Rules Service on a windows server:

1.Open the appropriate USoft Binder project.
2.Double-click the Rules Service item.
This is equivalent with clicking the Install, Start, and Configure buttons, and results in:

Installing the Rules Service as a Windows Service.

Starting the Rules Service.

Configuring the Rules Service.

If the Rules Service has already been configured, the last configuration page is shown (Overview of URE Engines). Otherwise, the first configuration page is shown (Specify the Database Account).
3.Click the Help button for more information on the property sheet controls, and refer to the help provided with the configuration pages.

NOTE: You can start  and stop the BenchMark profiler from the configuration screen of the Rules Service. You can find the options (Start and Stop Buttons) to do this on the last Rules Service configuration page, (the overview page). If you press the Start button, all engines will be stopped with the exception of the engine that is running BenchMark. If you then press the Stop button, all previously running engines will be restarted.

IMPORTANT: When you uninstall USoft Series, you must remove the Rules Service manually or disable the Start service at boot time property, otherwise you will get an Event Log error message the next time the computer is started.