Making Java Client Programs Connect to a Rules Engine

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To be able to connect to a Rules Engine, the computer on which the Java client programs run needs a set of JDBC driver Java classes. This is the only additional software requirement on the client computer; no other USoft software is required on the client computer. The USoft JDBC driver classes are delivered within the



Java archive file.

As an alternative, the USoft driver classes are also available in a archive file. This serves Java virtual machines that do not support the Java archive format.

To make these classes available within Java, the Java virtual machine needs a reference to this jar file in its classpath. For example, to start a Java client program with the USoft classes in its classpath, you have to type in a command prompt window:

java –classpath C:\usoft-installation-dir\java\JDBCClasses.jar YourJdbcClient


To use the USoft Rules Engine in a Java program, four steps are needed within the Java program:

1.Load the USoft JDBC classes.
2.Open a connection to a Rules Engine.
3.Issue SQL statements via the JDBC API.
4.Close the connection.

The Java code fragments in the following sections can be compiled by a Java compiler and show the contents of a PERSON table that has been defined in a USoft repository.

To use JDBC classes in a Java program, include this import statement in the Java source file:

import java.sql.*;



See Also

Java Example Step 1: Loading the USoft JDBC Classes

Java Example Step 2: Opening a Connection to the Rules Engine

Java Example Step 3: Selecting Records

Java Example Step 4: Closing the Connection