Publication Attributes

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A publication configuration has a number of publication attributes. When pages are published, the attribute values are substituted in published files.

Publication attributes are displayed in the top half of the Publication Configurations tab or window. Find this tab or window by choosing Publish, Publication Configurations from the main menu.



Specifies the name of the Publication Configuration. This name is only important at publish time in Web Designer. You must choose exactly one Publication Configuration to publish against. Your choice determines the set of publication attributes, system-defined publication properties, and user-defined publication properties (if any) that will be applied to your publication.


Publication Folder

Specifies the folder where the file tree of published materials will be created or updated.


Alt(ernative) Template Folder

Specifies an alternative location where CSS style sheets, images, and scripts can be stored. During publication, all files in the publication folder are overwritten, so the alternative template folder provides a safe location for files that you have changed and wish to keep. See The Alternative Template Folder for more details.


Connection Specifier

Specifies the JDBC connection string with which the USoft Page Engine connects to the Rules Service. It has format:


For example:



Log Level

Specifies the information logged in the log file:

NOLOG specifies that no logging takes place.

ERROR (default) specifies that only errors will be written in the log subfolder.

INFO specifies that also the appropriate Combined.xml file (generated by the Page Engine before it is transformed by the XSL transformations) is written. The INFO setting is advised in a development environment, ERROR is advised in the production environment for performance reasons.

DEBUG specifies that all requests to a Rules Engine are logged.


Cache Refresh Period

For performance reasons, the USoft Page Engine caches the combination of each user and first menu page. The Cache Refresh Period attribute specifies the amount of time in seconds after which this cache is always refreshed. The default is 180 (seconds). Note that when the USoft Page Engine is shut down, the cache is also automatically refreshed. The first time the user credentials are checked, the cache is not used. If this attribute is set to -1, menus are refreshed on each call. If set to 0, menus are refreshed only on the first call.

Do not confuse this cache refresh period attribute with the resource name with the same name used by the the Rules Engine to specify the refresh period for all authorization data. This setting is described in the Authorizer help.


Verify Original Values

When sending a SQL statement to the Rules Service, the Page Engine uses an 'INVOKE xml.import' statement. The Verify original Values attribute specifies whether you want the Rules Engine to check whether the original values are checked (whether the data manipulated has not already been changed). Allowed values are:

NO (no check),

ALLCOLUMNS (all columns of the manipulated record are checked), and

CHANGEDCOLUMNS (default - only columns that are changed are checked).


See Also

The Publication Configuration Window

System-Defined Publication Properties

User-Defined Publication Properties

Referring to Publication Settings