Rules Service SOAP Error Messages

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When connecting to the Rules Service via HTTP, and when using the soap ResponseTypeHint, error messages are returned in this SOAP format:

<?xml version="1.0"?>







            <Param name = "Application"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "User"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "ContentType"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "Method"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "Password"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "SQL"> ... </Param>

            <Param name = "SpecificParameter"> ...</Param>




            <faultcode> ... </faultcode>

            <faultstring> ... </faultstring>

            <detail> ... </detail>





The <Input> element contains all input parameters.

The <faultcode> element currently contains value: "Server", a standard SOAP 1.1 fault code. The <faultstring> element contains the error message, meant for the user. Currently, the <detail> element is identical to the <faultstring> element.


Suppose, this HTTP call is executed:

http://travelserver:4711/TRAVEL/TRAVELUSER/'text/xml-SOAP' /SqlScript?$Password="TrustMe"&$SQL=" insert into EMPLOYEE(ID,NAME) values (1, 'FRANK')"


and it turns out that a record with ID 1 already exists. This is the SOAP error message, returned by the Rules Service:

<?xml version="1.0"?>






      <Param name = "Application">TRAVEL</Param>

      <Param name = "User">TRAVELUSER</Param>

      <Param name = "ContentType">text/xml-SOAP</Param>

      <Param name = "Method">SqlScript</Param>

      <Param name = "Password">Trustme</Param>

      <Param name = "SQL"> insert into EMPLOYEE(ID,NAME) values (1, 'FRANK')</Param>






        Key "(id)" is not unique. Script: INSERT in table "EMPLOYEE" not

        accepted for record 0 :

        (1, (null), (null), 'AA', (null), (null))



        <ErrorMessage Type = "Error" Source = "Rules Engine">

          Key "(id)" is not unique. Script: INSERT in table "EMPLOYEE" not

          accepted for record 0 :

          (1, (null), (null), 'AA', (null), (null))




