Step 10: Running the Job and Viewing the Result

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In this step, you will run the more complex batch job that you just defined, and have a look at the result.

To run the job:

1.Create a new folder in the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator" folder named Step9.
2.Click on the Batch Runner item in the Binder, click the right mouse button and choose Properties.
3.Change the value of the Directory field to "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\Step9".
4.Click on the job in the Job Name field, click the Delete button, and then click the Add button.
5.Type "STEP9_JOB" in the Job Name field on the Edit Job And Parameter dialog.
6.Click OK on both dialogs.
7.Double-click the Batch Runner item to generate the HTML report.

To view the result:

8.Open the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\Step9\TourScheduledTour.htm" file in your browser. The Tour (parent) data is displayed in List layout and references Scheduled Tour HTML files by means of a hyperlink:

The Scheduled Tour (child) data is displayed in Table layout.

Next Step:

Step 11: Defining a More Complex HTML Batch Job That Extracts Calculated Data