The Page Engine

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The main two purposes of the USoft Page Engine are:

The USoft Page Engine analyses the browser requests, reads the GUI XML statements, generates the necessary SQL statements, and sends these statements to the Rules Engine.

The USoft Page Engine combines the GUI XML page definitions with the XML application data on the fly, in the Combined.xml file. This way, the Page Engine transforms application data into a web representation.

On a Microsoft Windows platform, the Page Engine must be installed under the Microsoft Component Services. In the Microsoft Component Services console, you can set a dedicated user for the component: the Windows-authenticated user that owns the process that runs the component. The advantage is that this user does not have to be logged on. It is advised to set a dedicated user, and not the interactive user. You can also set an idle timeout: if the component is not used after the specified idle timeout period, the process shuts down. The default is 3 minutes.

See Also

The Web Designer Stack

The Web Server

The Rules Service

The Rules Engine