Creating USoft Definer tables

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To create USoft Definer repository tables:

1.Make sure you have a USoft Binder file for the Owner that points to the development repository.
2.Make sure this USoft Binder file has a Definer item. If it does not, create it by using Item, New.
3.Right-click this item and choose Create Tables.


This creates repository tables for the following product components:

USoft Definer, comprising USoft Teamwork, USoft Model and Rules, and USoft Batch.

USoft Web Designer.

USoft Windows Designer.


These tables are recognisable because their names start with the T_... prefix but NOT with one of the following:





This also authorises the Owner as a user of the USD (= USoft Definer) application. You can see this by looking in authorization tables in USoft Authorizer.

Next Step

Authorising Team Members

See Also

Creating USoft Benchmark Tables

Creating USoft Service Definer Tables

Creating USoft Repository Manager Tables