USoftService example code

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The example code below adds, in the booking system of a travel agency, a reservation (a booking) including the person details of the first and only participant/passenger for whom the booking is made. These person details are first added to the PERSON table if they are new. Then, the person is registered as being the participant/traveller in the new booking.

The operation as a whole is a single database transaction. All the data elements are either committed as a bundle in case the operation is successful, or they can all be rolled back as a bundle if an error occurs.

NOTE: ReservationStructure, PersonStructure and ParticipantStructure are structures defined in Service Definer. In Service Definer you can define structures manually, or derive structures from SQL statements.


USoftService usoft = new USoftService(userName, password, "*", this.getClass());;


ReservationStructure reservation = new ReservationStructure();

reservation.scheduled_tour= 12;


usoft.sql(Integer.class, "ADD_RESERVATION" , new Object[]{ reservation}, RuleService.NoTransaction);


Integer reservation_id = getLastGeneratedUniqueValue();


PersonStructure person = new PersonStructure();



person.address = "BROADWAY 35";"BOSTON";

person.contry = "US";

person.area_code = "MA 02215";


usoft.sql(Integer.class, "ADD_PERSON" , new Object[]{ person}, RuleService.NoTransaction);


ParticipantStructure participant = new PersonStructure();

participant.person_id = getLastGeneratedUniqueValue();

participant.res_id = reservation_id;


usoft.sql(Integer.class, "ADD_PARTICIPANT" , new Object[]{participant}, RuleService.Commit);





See Also

USoftService class