Step 3: Create a Master Certificate Based on Private Key

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In this step we will create a master certificate based on the private key that was created in Step 2.

This master certificate (usoftca.cer) will be used when signing other certificates.

If you do not already have one open, open a DOS (command prompt) window and change directory to \openssl\bin  or the \bin subfolder of your OpenSSL installation location.

In the DOS window, type:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key usoftca.key -out usoftca.cer -config openssl.cfg


NOTE: You must use the filenames specified in these examples.

You will now have to supply the pass phrase and various other data that will be incorporated into the certificate request. You should see something like the following:

You should now have a file called usoftca.cer in the \bin subfolder of your OpenSSL installation location.

Go to Step 4: Create certificate signing request