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Addresses a record or a set of records of the first data source in the container.

Returns a collection of records.


.rows( index, index )

.rows( keyword, indicator )

Parameters are optional. If you do not pass any parameter, all records in the data source are addressed.

Parameters may be used to address specific records. You either pass one or two index parameters or you pass a keyword parameter that possibly requires an indicator parameter.

Passing index parameters

Index values are integers or arrays used to identify records in the data source:

If you pass a single integer value, the record that corresponds to that index value is addressed.

If you pass two integer values, the records corresponding to the first and the second index value are adressed and also all the records in between.

If you pass an array of integer values, the records corresponding to the elements in the array are adressed.

The index is 0-based: the first item has index 0, not 1.



This example addresses the 5th record:



and is short for:



This example addresses the 5th, 6th and 7th record:

$.udb('EMP').rows(4, 6);


This example addresses the records with the specified indices:

$.udb('EMP').rowSet('current').rows([0, 1, 4, 7]);


Passing keyword and indicator values

Each keyword value is a string that identifies a predefined option. If the Indicator column is empty, it does not apply; otherwise, the indicator stated is required.






The current record (not the same as 'selected')


data set indicator

The records in the requested data set



The record(s) that satisfy the condition



The first record


row ID

The record with the requested row ID



The last record



All marked records



The record following the current record



The record preceding the current record



All selected records (not the same as 'current')



This example addresses the record following the current record:



This example addresses the records in the first data set:

$.udb('EMP').rows('dataset', 1);


This example gets records that satisfy the equality condition EMPNO = 10:

$.udb('EMP').rows( { EMPNO: "10" } );


These examples get records that satisfy more complex conditions:

$.udb('EMP').rows('condition', { BIRTH_DATE: ">=01-JAN-1980" } );

$.udb('EMP').rows('condition', { BIRTH_DATE: ">=01-JAN-1980&<=01-JAN-2000" } );


To get all rows where MANAGER is NULL and SALARY is higher than 35000:

$.udb('EMP').rows('condition', { MANAGER: "NULL", SALARY: ">35000" } );



See Also

.rows() function of the Rowset object
