Calling USCSXSL from a USoft context as a Blend script processor

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You can call the USCSXSL internal component as a Blend script processor from a USoft context. USoft contexts for USCSXSL include the SQL Command tool, SQL Tasks, Decision SQLs, Constraint SQLs, and SQL statements defined in the Service Framework.

If you execute a USoft Blend script that executes one or more Rules Engine operations, the internal Rules Engine already available to the USoft context is automatically used. The script itself does not need to make an instance of a Rules Service available.

Calling USCSXSL as a Blend script processor causes an identity transformation to be applied to your input XML.

You can also call USCSXSL as a Blend script processor from the command line.



select uscsxsl.blend( xml  [ variable-name, variable-value ... ] )
xml  ::=  { xml-filepath | xml-document }


All arguments are single-quoted string values.

The required xml must be a valid XML document. This document may contain calls to USCSXSL extension functions, in which case it is called a USoft Blend script. You can submit xml either as a file on the file system that you reference by xml-filepath or inline as a literal xml-document string.

Optionally, you can pass any number of Blend input parameters as variable-name=variable-value pairs.



select uscsxsl.blend( 

  '<Example xmlns:pc="Processing.Command">

     <pc:value-of select="clipboard:GetText()"/>

   </Example>' )

If your clipboard currently contains "Hello World", the result is:

<Example>Hello World</Example>

While this example illustrates how you execute a Blend script from a USoft context, it is untypical in that the script does nothing except returning a result value. More typically, you run a Blend script because in the course of processing the XML, it performs interesting additional actions, such as starting Rules Services, processing data, generating USoft application flatfiles, or managing files on a file system.

uscsxsl.blend() and uscsxsl.apply() compared

The equivalent of:

select uscsxsl.blend( xml )


select uscsxsl.apply( xml, 'usoft-bindir\xsl\Util\Batch.1.0.xsl' )



See also

Calling USCSXSL from a USoft context to apply a named transformation

Calling USCSXSL from the command line as a Blend script processor

Blend input parameters