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Opens a text file and writes text to it. If the file already exists, the input is appended.

Syntax 1

<pc:AppendFile filepath="file-pathdisable-output-escaping="disable">
disable  ::=  { yes | no }


Syntax 2

<pc:AppendFile filepath="file-path" select="xpath >> text-literal" disable-output-escaping="disable/>
disable  ::=  { yes | no }


The required filepath points to the location where the file must be written.

The text to be written must be expressed either as content (Syntax 1) or in a select attribute (Syntax 2).

If you pass disable-output-escaping="yes", special XML characters in the output will not be escaped. See Example 2 in the pc:WriteFile help topic.



Information about a data import operation is written to a logfile.

<root xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:pc="Processing.Command" xmlns:assign="Processing.Command.Assign">
<pc:terminate test="not(wrights:HasAdminRole())" msg="{concat('Admin role is required. Available roles:', wrights:Roles())}"/>
  <pc:assign-var workingdir="{directories:Get()}" />
  <pc:assign-var traveldata="{path:Combine($workingdir, 'TRAVEL.xml')}"/>
  <pc:RunRulesService waittime="10000"
      user="USD91_TRAVEL" pwd="USD91_TRAVEL" rdbmstype="oracle" connection="XE" application="TRAVEL" 
      assign:thisconn="/*/@id" assign:rsstate="RulesService/@state" assign:logurl="RulesService/@logurl" assign:hint="RulesService/@error-hint" />
      msg="{concat('rules service did not start (state=', $rsstate, ') logurl=', $logurl, 'hint=', $hint)}" 
      exitcode="-1" />
  <pc:AppendFile filepath="c:\temp\testlog.txt">
      <pc:XmlImport connection="{$thisconn}" commit="commit" source="{$traveldata}" />


See also

