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Evaluates an expression, converts the resulting value to a node set using XSLT 1.0 conversion rules, and stores the resulting string in (= assigns the resulting string to) a named variable. The variable is global: from any later script section you can refer to its value by writing $variable.

If a variable by the same name is already instantiated, its value is silently overwritten. This is the difference with pc:assign-nodeset-default.

You have the option to assign multiple variables in a single pc:assign-nodeset directive.


     variable = "expr >> node-set"
  [  variable = "expr >> node-set" ... ] />

For each variable, variable identifies the variable by name and expr is the value you provide for the variable. Expr must evaluate to a node set. It must be either an XPath expression presented as an attribute value template, ie., surrounded by curly braces ( {  } ), as shown in Example 1, or a path leading to a valid XML document, as shown in Example 2.


Example 1

This example assigns to a variable named tables the node set made up of the child elements of the <Tables> child element of the context node.

<pc:assign-nodeset   tables="{Tables/*}" />


Example 2

This example assigns to a variable named registry the contents of an XML document on the file system identified by a path expression.

<pc:assign-nodeset   registry="..\registry.xml" />


Example 3

This example assigns to a variable named servers a node set found in the XML document stored in the registry variable.

<pc:assign-var   registry="{files:XmlFile('..\registry.xml')}">
<pc:assign-nodeset  servers="{$registry/Computers/Computer[@name=$thiscomputer]/Servers/Server}" />


See also



Looping over a set of files or directories