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Returns the information, warning or error message (if any) that was most recently stored by the USoft Blend processor. This will often be a message as encountered in USoft Rules Service logs. This takes the form of a composite XML fragment associated with a namespace designated by the uslng namespace. The Blend processor sets or overwrites this message each time it encounters a message in the result of a function call.

Returns an XML fragment. By contrast, pc:textmsg returns a text node.


<pc:msg />



This example is an attempt to import a record with a non-unique primary key:

<pc:XmlImport connection="{$myconn}" commit="commit" source="{$myfile}">
      <pc:ConsoleWrite>Application data imported.<pc:newline/></pc:ConsoleWrite>
      <pc:ConsoleWrite>Error: Failed to import application data.

The return message from the Rules Engine looks like this:

Key "Tours.(Destination,Type)" with value "(AUSTRALIA,ISLAND SUNTANNER)" is not unique.

The value returned by <pc:msg/> looks like this:

<Error location="/root[(1)]/pc:AppendFile[(1)]/pc:XmlImport[(1)]&lt;pc:XmlImport connection=&quot;{$appconn}&quot; commit=&quot;commit&quot; source=&quot;{$importapppath}&quot; /&gt;">
  <uslng:messages version="1.0" statement="select to_clob((invoke xml.import with select 'c:\labs\blend\TRAVEL.xml'))" xmlns:uslng="http://www.usoft.com/Product/Messages">
    <uslng:message msg-code="no code" msg-category="built-in" msg-type="Error" source="constraint" constraint-name="built-in" constraint-type="column-check" language="default" _escape-xml-content_="yes">
          <uslng:execution-element section="rdmi" type="internal-component" name="XML.IMPORT(XMLIMPORTFETCH)" />
            <TOUR prompt="Tours">
              <DESTINATION prompt="Destination" value="AUSTRALIA" />
              <TOUR_TYPE prompt="Type" value="ISLAND SUNTANNER" />
            msg-category="Frequent End User Msg" 
            language="default" _
               Key "<uslng:param name="ObjectName">Tours</uslng:param>.<uslng:param name="Key">(Destination,Type)</uslng:param>
               " with value "<uslng:param name="Val">(AUSTRALIA,ISLAND SUNTANNER)</uslng:param>" is not unique.</uslng:message>