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Saves, to a specified file, a full list of the names and values of variables currently referenced. You can retrieve this information with pc:LoadVariables later.


<pc:SaveVariables pc:filepath="file-pathpc:include="csv-list" pc:exclude="csv-list" />

The required pc:filepath is a full path pointing at the file in which you want to save the variables.

The optional pc:include attribute allows you to specify a subset of variables that you want to save.

The optional pc:exclude attribute allows you to specify a subset of variables that are found in the file but that you do NOT want to save.

Result file

The result file contains an XML document in the "Processing:Command" namespace with a <pc:Variables> document node and, for each variable, a <pc:Variable> element with a name attribute that contains the name of the variable, and with the following content:

For a string variable, a text node representing the current value of the variable.

For a node set variable, a literal XML fragment representing the current value of the variable.

For a queue variable, a list of <Queue> elements containing queued variable values, in the document order in which the values were enqueued.



<pc:assign-var mystring="HelloUniverse"/>
<pc:assign-nodeset mydefs="{preceding-sibling::pc:defs/*}"/>
<pc:void select="variable:Enqueue('iamaqueue', 2)"/>
<pc:void select="variable:Enqueue('iamaqueue', 1)"/>
<pc:void select="variable:Enqueue('iamaqueue', 'somestring')"/>
<pc:SaveVariables pc:filepath="c:\temp\output.xml" />

Example content of the "c:\temp\output.xml" result file is:

<pc:Variables xmlns:pc="Processing.Command">
    <pc:Variable name="mystring">HelloUniverse</pc:Variable>
    <pc:Variable name="mydefs">
     <pc:Variable name="iamaqueue">


See also


