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Exports a set of appdata or metadata from a single USoft repository table.

Returns an XML document in the standard USoft XML format, as detailed in the USoft Definer Help.


       sql="select-statement" |



select-list    ::=  { * | column-list }

column-list    ::=  column [ , column ... ]

Either the sql attribute or a set of attributes including the fromclause attribute is required. If a fromclause attribute is present, the sql attribute (if it is present) is ignored, and fromclause must name a single database table or Logical View name.

The required alias identifies the connection to the Rules Engine that you want to use. For aliases, see pc:RunRulesService.


Example 1

<pc:RunRulesService waittime="10000"
   application="TRAVEL" rdbmstype="{$rdbms}" connection="{$dbconnection}" 
   user="{$username}" pwd="{$userpassword}" owner="{$owner}" 
   alias="x1" />
<pc:assign-var mysql="SELECT destination, tour_type FROM tour WHERE destination LIKE 'AUS%'"/>
<pc:XmlExport sql="{$mysql}" alias="x1"/>       

The result is:

<Tours documentName="Tours">


Example 2

This example is equivalent to Example 1.

<pc:RunRulesService waittime="10000"
   application="TRAVEL" rdbmstype="{$rdbms}" connection="{$dbconnection}" 
   user="{$username}" pwd="{$userpassword}" owner="{$owner}" 
   alias="x1" />
<pc:XmlExport fromclause="TOUR" selectlist="DESTINATION, TOUR_TYPE", whereclause="DESTINATION LIKE 'AUS%'" alias="x1"/>