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Returns the result of executing sql-statement against connection.


sql:SqlStmnt( connectionsql-statement, parameter )

Connection may be empty if there is a current connection, which is the case if the script is called from within a USoft instance with a call to SELECT USCSXSL.BLEND. In this case, the return value is the result of executing sql-statement against the current connection. This case is illustrated by the example below.



select uscsxsl.blend(
'<root xmlns:pc="Processing.Command" pc:hideme="true">
   <pc:assign sql="SELECT to_clob((INVOKE usmeta.tables with select ''.*'', ''False'', ''True'', ''False'', ''False''))" />
   <pc:assign xml = "{sql:SqlStmnt('''', $sql)}" />
   <pc:comment-of><pc:copy-of select="$xml"/></pc:comment-of>  

This example returns, in the form of an XML comment, the output of the INVOKE USMETA.TABLES call, which (if called from a USoft Application instance, as opposed to a USoft Definer instance) is an XML-formatted listing of metadata describing Logical Views.


See Also
