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Converts a flat sequence of text characters into an XML document that represents punctuation marks and whitespace by special elements and attributes. This is a starting point for parsing the text for some purpose.


strings:Text2Xml( text, 'boundary-aliases' )


boundary-aliases  ::=  page-alias line-alias element-alias

The required boundary aliases is a string of 3 character sequences separated by 2 spaces. For details, see the Example and the "Boundary aliases" section below.



<root xmlns:pc="Processing.Command" pc:hideme="true">
    URE..TEXT. Application
  <pc:evaluate select="strings:Text2Xml(//pc:defs, 'P l elem')"/>

This example returns the following XML document. For comments, see the sections below the XML document.

    <elem ws="">URE</elem>
    <pm ws="">.</pm>
    <pm ws="">.</pm>
    <elem ws="">TEXT</elem>
    <pm ws="s">.</pm>
    <elem ws="ntt">Application</elem>
    <elem ws="nt">MYAPP</elem>



collapseBoundary aliases
collapsePunctuation marks




collapseSpecial elements